
Available equipement:

I) Mass Spectrometry


UHPLC-HRMS – Bruker maXis (UHR-QTOF) – Equipement FR 2708

Separation and analysis of compounds by UHPLC coupled with detection: UV (DAD) and HRMS (Q-TOF)

  • Accurate mass measurement: confirmation of a crude formula or identification of an unknown compound
  • Qualitative and quantitative analyses (plant extracts, pharmacokinetics, etc.)
  • Metabolomics: molecular networks, statistics

HRMS system equipped with:

  • Q-TOF (MS/MS)
  • ESI, nESI, APCI, APPI sources


Chromatographic systems:

  • U3000 RSLC
  • U3000 RSLCnano


Software : oTOFControl/DataAnalysis


MALDI-TOF – Bruker autoflex speed

Analysis of compounds by MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation)

  • Analysis of small polymers
  • Analysis of TLC plates

System equipped with:

  • Linear and reflectron modes
  • LIFT (MS/MS)
  • TLC-MS support


Software : FlexControl/FlexAnalysis

II) Sample preparation

Automatic pipetting system – Hamilton Vantage

  • Colorimetric tests

  • Pharmacokinetic studies

  • Enzymatic studies

  • Sample preparation by solid phase extraction

System equipped with:

  • 8 pipetting channels
  • Heated stirrer
  • Thermostatic blocks
  • SPE module for 96-well plates
  • Magnet for magnetic beads


Software : Venus on Vantage


Plates reader – BMG Labtech ClarioStar Plus

  • UV-Visible : 200-1000 nm

  • Fluorescence : 320-840 nm


    Software : ClarioStar/MARS