Chemical library

Words cloud chemical librarySince 2002, ICOA started the project of an internal laboratory chemical library. This is part of the National GIS Project « National Chemical Library »whose laboratory is one of the founder members.

The purpose of our chemical library is to reference, enhance and safeguard the products of research of organic synthesis teams.

The chemical library serves in the first place of memory for laboratory referencing and physically and computationally safeguarding molecules. These are stored in the fridge in a secure location. This also helps free up space laboratories and thus secure and improve the working conditions of chemists. All products are referenced and saved by computer via a web application « L-g-Chimio », made available on our intranet.


The constitution of our chemical library responds first and foremost the desire to give a second life to molecules from organic synthesis. Within the framework of various research projects of the ICOA, a significant amount of molecules were synthesized, and then set aside for project closure. Our goal has been to get these molecules drawers where they slept to develop scientifically and industrially on other projects in association with biologists with the actual screening and / or chemo-computer with virtual screening.

ICOA chemical library

Our chemical library currently contains 15,000 molecules of which is free of charge and therefore available to the real or virtual screening. Each screening project a "transfer agreement" MTA is signed, to guarantee everyone the respect of its share of intellectual property.

For virtual screening we can provide a maximum of 8000 SDF molecules. For the actual screening we can provide:

  • is a set of six 96-well plates (480 products) representing the cumulative diversity of our chemical library (the first plate contains 80 products representing the diversity of our chemical library, then the other five plates complete this diversity).
  • Or 31 96-well plates (2,480 products), these same plates are available on the five French screening platforms associated with the National Chemical Library.
  • We can also provide the raw products packaged in Eppendorf tubes.