
Photos historiques

The Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA) is a joint research unit (UMR 7311) of CNRS and the University of Orleans. It originates from successive combinations of bio, organic and analytical chemistry labs from Orleans campus.

The story dates back from 1969, when Pierre Sinaÿ founded the Structural Biochemistry Laboratory (LBS). This Lab, directed towards the synthesis of carbohydrates and related molecules was headed by his founder until 1987 and thereafter by Jean-Marie Beau.

At this time, the Laboratories of Organic Chemistry and the Physical Organic Chemistry and Chromatography headed respectively by Gérald Guillaumet and Michel Dreux merged to give the Bioorganic and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory  (LCBA); a lab directed towards the synthesis, the study and the analysis of small aromatic molecules for therapeutic purposes. The lab was headed by Gérald Guillaumet, till it will join LBS in 1991 to become UMR CNRS Chemistry of sugars and related molecules. It will be supervised by Jean-Marie Beau (until 1994), and Gérald Guillaumet (1994-1995).

LCBA and LBS completely merged in 1995. All research groups moved to the current building to found ICOA. It was successively headed by Gérald Guillaumet from 2006, Olivier Martin (2006-1016) and Pascal Bonnet (from 2016).

To date, the number of researchers at ICOA which was about 50 people in 1995 has risen threefold to become today’s workforce. The central theme being: the design, synthesis and analysis of bioactive compounds for therapeutic applications.

The director of the laboratory of Organic Chemistry:
The director of the laboratory of Physical Organic Chemistry  and Chromatography:


Michel DREUX Michel DREUX

1986: The laboratory of Organic Chemistry and the laboratory of Physical Organic Chemistry and Chromatography merge to form the laboratory of Bio-Organic and Analytical Chemistry.

Successive Directors of the Structural Biochemistry Laboratory (LBS):
The director of the Laboratory of Bio-Organic and Analytical Chemistry:
Pierre SINAŸ Pierre SINAŸ, 1978-1987 Gérald GUILLAUMET


Jean-Marie BEAU

Jean-Marie BEAU, 1987-1991



1991: The Structural Biochemistry Laboratory (LBS) and the laboratory of Bio-Organic and Analytical Chemistry  getting closer to build the Laboratory Chemistry  of Sugars and Related Molecules.

Successive directors of the Laboratory Chemistry  of Sugars and Related Molecules:
Jean-Marie BEAU

Jean-Marie BEAU, 1991-1994


Gérald GUILLAUMET, 1994-1995

1995: Creation of the Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry and landscape unit in its new building.

Successive directors of the Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry - ICOA :


Gérald GUILLAUMET, 1995-2006

Olivier MARTIN Olivier MARTIN, 2006-